Children and Young People Committee


Meeting Venue:

Committee Room 3 - Senedd




Meeting date:

Wednesday, 18 January 2012




Meeting time:

09:00 - 12:16




This meeting can be viewed on Senedd TV at:



Concise Minutes:




Assembly Members:


Christine Chapman (Chair)

Angela Burns

Jocelyn Davies

Keith Davies

Suzy Davies

Julie Morgan

Lynne Neagle

Jenny Rathbone

Aled Roberts

Simon Thomas








Tony Leahy, Semta

Bill Peaper, Semtra

Gareth Williams, ConstructionSkills

Sioned Williams, Care and Development

Eifion Evans, Director of Education and Community Service, Ceredigion County Council

Arwyn Thomas, Assistant Director of Education and Community Service, Ceredigion County Council






Committee Staff:


Claire Morris (Clerk)

Claire Griffiths (Deputy Clerk)

Anne Thomas (Researcher)





1.  Introductions, apologies and substitutions

1.1 The Chair welcomed everybody to the meeting. There were no apologies.




2.  Implementation of the Learning and Skills (Wales) Measure 2009: Evidence Session

2.1 The Chair welcomed the witnesses. Members questioned the witnesses on the implementation of the Learning and Skills (Wales) Measure 2009.


Action point:


Sioned Williams agreed to provide further information on why some local authorities are recruiting social workers from outside the United Kingdom when it appears that colleges in Wales are training adequate number of social workers.




3.  Implementation of the Learning and Skills (Wales) Measure 2009: Evidence Session

3.1 The Chair welcomed the witnesses. Members questioned the witnesses on the implementation of the Learning and Skills (Wales) Measure 2009




4.  Motion under Standing Order 17.42 to resolve to exclude the public for the remainder of the meeting

4.1 Members agreed the motion to exclude the public for the remainder of the business.




5.  Legislative Consent Motion on the Welfare Reform Bill

5.1 The Committee considered the reply from the Deputy Minister for Children and Social Services and agreed to prepare and table a short report by 20 January.




6.  Adoption Inquiry: Methods of working

6.1 Members agreed in principle to appointing an expert adviser to assist with this inquiry and requested a paper for the next meeting.




7.  Papers to note




7.1  Additional information on EU level action against child sex trafficking (identified in meeting on 1 December 2011)




7.2  Additional information from Governors Wales' (identified in meeting on 7 December 2011)




7.3  Additional information from Colleges Wales (identified in meeting on 7 December 2011)




7.4  Information from the Higher Education Funding Council for Wales





View the meeting transcript.
